
G2在小組賽第二度對上閃電狼,前一次他們靠著卡蜜兒的分推BD戰術取得勝利,但這一次就沒那麼輕鬆了,雙方打得有來有回,,最終由閃電狼在關鍵的最後一場中打出零換五取得最終勝利。Reddit網友表示看不太懂選 Jankos 麗珊卓是來幹嘛的,對於G2沒選Main角漢默丁格也感到十分的意外。文字回應:- FW are known to thrive in fiesta and blood baths G2: Yup - You've won against FW in game 1 due to superior macro and denying them the ability to teamfight G2: Yup - Afreeca won against FW with superior macro and denying them the ability to teamfight G2: That makes sense to me - So what is your plan for FW game then? G2: CLOWN FIESTA! 1 KILL A MINUTE! -FW最有名的就是下路開嘉年華派對血洗對方 G2:嗯 - G2第一場會贏FW是因為大局觀比較好和避戰到底,不跟FW打團戰的能力。 G2:對 -AFS能贏FW是因為他們極佳的大局觀以及因為他們都避戰到底, 不跟FW打團戰。 G2:有道理 -所以你們接下來要怎樣應付FW? G2:弄個小丑嘉年華!每分鐘都來個擊殺!Who was more useful this game? • An Irelia up almost 200 cs • One tanky boi 到底誰會比較有用? • 一隻贏了200CS的伊瑞莉雅 • 一隻大坦Irelia would've been great if G2 had a normal ADC 如果G2有一隻正常的ADC的話,伊瑞莉雅對他們來說很有用The "Root for Chaos" 4-way Tie Scenario:G1: AFS Win vs FW - DONE G2: G2 Win vs PVB - DONE G3: FW Win vs G2 - DONE G4: PVB win vs AFS G5: PVB Win vs FW G6: AFS Win vs G2 要怎樣才可以弄到四方加賽?G1: AFS Win vs FW - DONE G2: G2 Win vs PVB - DONE G3: FW Win vs G2 - DONE G4: PVB win vs AFS G5: PVB Win vs FW G6: AFS Win vs G2 結果G4沒做到,其他都做到了 LULI feel like G2 outplayed themselves with that composition. But damn, what a game. 我覺得G2這場是被自己的選角陣容Outplay掉的。 但是媽的,這到底是怎樣的一場遊戲?>Plays Brand bot lane >Liandry's got buffed >Proceeds to build it last ??? >選火人打下路 >聽說大面具被Buff了 >那最後再來出吧 ??? (譯者:我也不懂這個出裝QQ)YamatoCannon: Anything is possible, just don't pick Brand adc again VIT教練大和砲:什麼事情都有可能發生,不過不要再選火人ADC了Sions passive definitely MVP of the game. 賽恩的被動絕對是這場的MVPPerkz giveth, Perkz taketh. Perkz給了些什麼,同時也會拿走些什麼G2 after PVB game: Thanks Mr. Perkz Perkz: Now you G2: What? G2 Perkz has been slain G2贏了PVB之後:謝謝你, Perkz Perkz:你現在是… G2:什麼? G2 Perkz 被擊殺掉G2 baited themselves with the brand pick No consistent damage on Sion G2被自己的火人選角騙到了 (火人)未能對賽恩造成持續的傷害That elder drake took sooo long to kill as well 他們吃條遠古巨龍也花了很………………………….久才殺掉。Don't pick Lissandra again, please 不要再選麗珊卓了,拜託。Imagine if Hjarnan actually picked that Vayne 想像如果Hjarnan這場選汎的話…• Don't grab Heimer when you have the chance • Lock in Brand and don't build Liandry for ages • Perkz inting on Liss • 漢默丁格被放出來但他們沒選 • 選火人但是打死不先出大面具 • Perkz選麗珊卓開戳G2 cosplaying PVB with the gigathrows. G2一定是在CosplayPVB,學他們怎樣大戳特戳。圖片/影片回應:LOL 10大謎題:為什麼Jankos在金人的時候,FW不吃巴龍?這個連老外都看不懂G2粉都是這麼想的LUL:一曲總結這場比賽:當你要打後期但是你身邊沒有ADC的時候:更多上報內容:【2018世界賽】AFs Spirit:第一輪表現不如預期 其實原因就是我們真的爛而已【2018世界賽】小組賽Day6:G2雙劍合璧定江山 閃電狼遭斬殺止步小組賽【2018世界賽】小組賽Day6:FW優勢如海市蜃樓 PVB凱莎農上天喜拆主堡

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